“Super Foods” That Will Rock Your World

From the Blog

“Super Foods” That Will Rock Your World

I am a pretty active guy who participates in marathons, triathlons, and other endurance and high intensity activities. So it goes without saying that proper nutrition is essential for me to continue this lifestyle and recover and rebuild as efficiently and effectively as possible. I have been doing a lot of research lately on nutrient dense foods that really pack a punch. I currently use Quinoa, Hemp seeds, Chia seeds, and Flax seeds and have recently purchased the others on this list to try. I’ll report back to you what I think of them! To keep things simple, I have organized the nutritional benefits in a quick bulleted form.


  • Contains all 9 amino acids making it a complete source of protein.
  • High in: Iron, potassium, B vitamins, and fiber
  • Mix with salad, mixed vegetables, or serve as a substitute to pasta

Hemp Seeds:

  • Complete protein source
  • Contains essential Omega 3s and Omega 6s
  • Good source of Vitamin E
  • I sprinkle these seeds over my oatmeal for breakfast or salads for lunch

Chia Seeds:

  • Play an important role in helping to regulate insulin levels
  • Great source of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and manganese
  • Loaded with fiber, Omega 3s, and anti-oxidants.
  • Make sure you soak them in a liquid before eating them as they absorb a lot of water.

Flax Seeds: See blog for more details


  • Has more anti-oxidants than almost any other food.
  • High in magnesium: helps minimize muscle cramps and PMS symptoms in women.
  • High in iron and calcium
  • Great mood booster

Camu Camu:

  • Very high in Vitamin C: 30x more than an orange
  • Don’t heat: heat ruins nutritional value


  • Native to the rain forests of Brazil
  • High in B vitamins: B1, B2, and B3
  • Useful in boosting energy and circulation and improving skin complexion
  • High in anti-oxidants
  • Flavor: combination of chocolate and pineapple – yum!


  • Maca is a root that grows at high altitudes in Peru and Bolivia
  • Great for athletes: Contains compounds that encourage quick regeneration of tired muscles
  • Helps support the adrenal glands and balance hormones


  • This tree leaf of the Himalayas was used by ancient warriors as fuel before battle.
  • It has more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than oranges, more vitamin A thank carrots, more iron than spinach, and more potassium than bananas. It also contains a lot of protein!




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