Senior Chair Workout

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Senior Chair Workout

Here is a good workout for seniors! All of these exercises/stretches involve using a chair for support and stability. Give it a try!

Retirement Home Chair Workout (30 minutes):

Warmup (10 minutes)

  1. Arm Circles
    1. Small forward/backward
    2. Big Forward/backward
  2. Arm Raises (Wave) 3x
  3. Shoulder Rolls (forward/backward)
  4. Swimmers
  5. Throw punches: straight, high, low
  6. Alternating leg extensions
  7. Seated twist
  8. Head rolls

Strength (10 minutes) – Repeat each round twice

Round 1:

  1. 21s- Biceps
  2. Tricep Extensions (12)
  3. Russian Twist (20)

Round 2:

  1. Hammer Curls (12)
  2. Leg Glute Kickbacks (15 each side)
  3. Leg Abductor (12 each side)

Flexibility (5-10 min)

  1. Reach up Chest Stretch
  2. Reach up and over lat stretch
  3. Tricep Stretches
  4. Neck Stretches (Bus)
  5. Spinal seated stretch
  6. Point/Flex toes
  7. Toe Circles
  8. Seated Bicep Stretch
  9. Reach out to side Namaste

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