Eszter Bogdany was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary and has been interested in exercising since she was a teenager. As a teenager, and in her early 20s, she was more into fitness and aerobics, but in her late 20s, she started to take more and more Yoga and Pilates classes. After high school, Eszter decided to study Finance at the Budapest Business School and to work in finance. A few years after her graduation, she became a Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in Hungary.
Between 2016 and 2017 Eszter worked in numerous hotels in Spain as an exercise instructor teaching primarily seniors. During this time, Eszter also taught Yogalates (a combination of Yoga and Pilates).
She came to the United States in 2018 and received her Group Fitness Certification from ACE in 2020. Since then, she has been dedicated to helping other people find time to exercise and to live a healthy life. Eszter loves dancing and she is a dance major at San Diego City College.
Eszter believes that exercise is true medicine for the body and the mind.
Eszter joined the Kev’s Gym team in May 2022 and serves our clients in San Diego, CA. Want to book an appointment with Eszter? Click here!