Life Force Body Balance
A healthy body needs to be accompanied by a sound mind!
Vrikshasana or Tree Pose is an asana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha meaning ”tree” and asana meaning ”posture.” This posture is a close replica of the steady, yet graceful stance of a tree. For this pose, you are required to keep your eyes open so that your body can balance itself. Try it with your eyes closed for an extra challenge!
Benefits of Vrikshasana
Vrikshasana asana not only activates metabolism but also helps to stabilize your mind. This asana involves focus and concentration, and it is best to perform this in the morning when your mind is clear of the worries and stress from the happenings of the day. While stabilizing your mind and body through stretching, this asana also strengthens your joints and bones and expands the hips and chest. It loosens the shoulders and tones the arms as well.
Precautions of Vrikshasana
Those who suffer from high blood pressure should not raise their arms above the head for a long period of time. It is best that you avoid practicing this pose if you suffer from insomnia or migraine.