Fall Into Fitness

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Fall Into Fitness

Fall is here and it is time to take advantage of the great outdoors. Gone is the heat and humidity! Here are some ideas to stay in shape throughout the fall season- ranging from beginner to more advanced…
  • Walking– it’s my favorite time of year to go for a walk. Enjoy the leaves crunching below your feet, maybe do some apple picking, and hunt for that ideal pumpkin.

  • Hiking– go out to the Shenandoah and really get immersed in nature’s beauty. If you haven’t done so already, check out Old Rag and or Big Schloss. Great hikes with pheneomenal views. Hiking is great because it works multiple muscle groups, increases your strength, and cardiovascular endurance.

  • Running– join me in running the Marine Corps Marathon this year! Or something a little easier like a 5k, Turkey trot, etc. Gotta love running. It gives you the ability to almost meditate and clear your head in this busy and chaotic life!

  • Splitting wood, cutting down trees– this one is for the lumberjacks out there. As Henry Ford once said.. “chop your own wood and it will warm you twice.” Splitting wood is a killer full body workout: legs, back, abs, and arms. I use a maul that I ordered on Amazon to split wood that I get for free on Nextdoor.com when people cut down their trees and need to get rid of the wood. Now is the time to get all the splitting done, so that when winter rolls around you can keep your home nice and warm! Go get em’ you lumberjack.
Need help getting inspired to be fit? Want those 6-pack abs? Need someone to keep you accountable? Let’s train!

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