Check out this full body cardio/weight training workout!

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Check out this full body cardio/weight training workout!

Warmup: 10 to 1 ladder (burpees, hand release pushups, V-Sits) + 0.2 mile run between each set

Lift: Delts/Abs


Seated Arnold Press (3 sets of 12)

Dumbbell Press (dumbbells Facing Each other) (3 sets of 12)

Alternating Dumbbell Lateral Raises (2 Sets of 16)

Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Tow (3 sets of 12)


Hanging Knee Raises (3 sets of 30)

Dumbbell twist with leg raise (3 sets of 30 reps)


Balance Postures:

L-Sits, Plank (feet hand raise)


Cool Down/ Stretch

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