Breath in deep!
Lower your blood pressure, reduce stress/anxiety, and feel more relaxed by practicing diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) on a regular basis. This type of breathing focuses on using the diaphragm, a large dome shaped muscle located at the base of the lungs, to help expand the abdomen instead of the chest while breathing. Start by laying on the ground and placing a hand on your stomach. Inhale deeply for 10 seconds from your stomach (your hand should raise by an inch or so) slowly exhale for 10 seconds (hand should fall another inch). Do this for about 5 min a day to start with and increase the time of inhale/exhale as well as complete duration overtime. This type of breathing encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. Your heart rate will slow down, your blood pressure will decrease and you’ll be one cool, calm, and collected cat!
Check out more breathing exercises here: