Beginner Boot Camp Workout

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Beginner Boot Camp Workout

Beginner Boot Camp 5/18/2014 Workout

Warmup (30 seconds each)

  1. Boxer Shuffle
  2. High Knee March- elbows up
  3. Slow butt kickers
  4. Alternating Standing Toe Touch
  5. Quick butt kickers
  6. Basic Squat
  7. Squat position: punch high/low
  8. Fly Jacks: Clap forward not up

Field segment (2 lengths each)

  1. Jog (2) Run (2)
  2. Lunges
  3. Step forward high kicks
  4. Side shuffle w/ football fast feet
  5. Side pushup walk
  6. Squat side walk
  7. Bear crawl

Circuit Workout repeat 2x (40 seconds active/ 20 seconds rest)

  1. Fragmented Jumping Jacks
  2. Mountain climbers
  3. Crab right hand to left foot
  4. Crunchy Frog
  5. Pushup position to plank
  6. Pushup knee to the elbow
  7. One leg deadlift (switch every three)
  8. Heart-to-heart pushups laying on stomach
  9. Chair Pose
  10. Abs: legs up hands to right and to left
  11. Crab- Leg in and out (switch every three)
  12. Abs: Bicycles
  13. Squats
  14. Half Boat with leg pulse (5 on each side)


Cool Down and Stretch

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