Beginner Boot Camp Workout
Beginner Boot Camp 5/18/2014 Workout
Warmup (30 seconds each)
- Boxer Shuffle
- High Knee March- elbows up
- Slow butt kickers
- Alternating Standing Toe Touch
- Quick butt kickers
- Basic Squat
- Squat position: punch high/low
- Fly Jacks: Clap forward not up
Field segment (2 lengths each)
- Jog (2) Run (2)
- Lunges
- Step forward high kicks
- Side shuffle w/ football fast feet
- Side pushup walk
- Squat side walk
- Bear crawl
Circuit Workout repeat 2x (40 seconds active/ 20 seconds rest)
- Fragmented Jumping Jacks
- Mountain climbers
- Crab right hand to left foot
- Crunchy Frog
- Pushup position to plank
- Pushup knee to the elbow
- One leg deadlift (switch every three)
- Heart-to-heart pushups laying on stomach
- Chair Pose
- Abs: legs up hands to right and to left
- Crab- Leg in and out (switch every three)
- Abs: Bicycles
- Squats
- Half Boat with leg pulse (5 on each side)
Cool Down and Stretch