Group Exercise

Group Exercise

Studies have shown that exercising with friends is far more effective than working out by yourself. People who participate in group exercise classes are more motivated and accountable to give it their all and to participate on a regular basis.

At Kev’s Gym, we offer a wide variety of outdoor workouts that are fun, team-oriented, social, educational, and exciting. From aerobics, high intensity interval training (HIIT), core conditioning, and agility, to strength training, boxing, and yoga, our classes are designed to accommodate the needs of all age groups and experience levels. This is an affordable way to get in great shape and meet other like-minded, upbeat, and optimistic individuals.

Click here for pricing information!

Our ultimate goal is to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to live happier and healthier lives through fun, educational, and friendly fitness experiences. We look forward to working with you in the near future!

Interested in booking a session? Click here!

Serving: Washington Metropolitan Area (VA, DC, MD)